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Music sculpting art: A performance on the creative process

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A performance investigating invention vs imitation

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Life drive, death drive

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Death drive

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Psychoanalysis and pandemics

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Predicting children: A new book

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Poetics of the brain

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Serendipity: Prune Nourry et François Ansermet

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The Quality Problem

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The origin to come: a transdisciplinary lecture with Françoi

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Discovering the creative process in the brain

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Canal9: Art and neuroscience intersect in Crans-Montana

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RTS presents “The Surprises of the Brain”

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The surprises of the brain – 15.12.2018

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Determine not to be it

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The Brain is Alive

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Quality | Quantity

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Continuity | Discontinuity

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The Challenge of the Living

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The emergence of a singularity between neuroscience and psyc

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Discussion with Prune Nourry

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The spontaneous origin of creativity (TEDxCERN)

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Ennio Ludovico Chiggio: Est Motus in Rebus

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Discussion with Francesco Panese

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Discussion with Béatrice Helg

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Discussion with Eric Laurent

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Discussion with Jean-Stéphane Bron


A space for psychoanalytic research

To offer a space for psychoanalytic research and new perspectives on the problems raised in contemporary, Freudian, and clinical perspectives of psychoanalysis via TV programs, seminars, colloquia and conferences.

The development of theoretical, clinical and experimental research

To encourage the development of theoretical, clinical and experimental research between neuroscience and psychoanalysis, and to promote activities that bring together the arts, science and psychoanalysis in mutual dialogue with a team of researchers, graduate students and post-doctoral students.

Unique, cross-disciplinary research

To perform novel research at the intersection of neuroscience and psychoanalysis with an approach where psychoanalysis not strictly reduced to neurobiological facts, but rather to pose new questions in neuroscience from a psychoanalytic point of view.

The creative process

To explore the creative process and in particular, its relationship to the unconscious. Psychoanalysis is like musical or theatrical improvisation, where experience, repetition, and traces are continually utilized in a synchronic manner in the vertigo of the instant, in the delicate moment where everything could be played differently.

The Backstory

The Agalma Foundation was founded in 2010 by Professors François Ansermet and Pierre Magistretti, with the support of Dr Christian de Saussure.

Professors Ansermet and Magistretti have co-written several texts on psychoanalysis and neuroscience, including the books “A chacun son cerveau” (Biology of Freedom), Odile Jacob 2004, and “Les énigmes du plaisir” (The puzzles of pleasure), Odile Jacob 2010.

The Agalma Foundation was created in order to further pursue their ideas.

Its aim is to offer a space to support research on the problems stemming from the confrontation of psychoanalysis with contemporary perspectives. This approach offers a new way to understand Freud’s ideas and clinical psychoanalysis.

Its task is to develop theoretical, clinical and experimental research between  neuroscience and psychoanalysis, and to promote activities that bring together the arts, science and psychoanalysis in mutual dialogue.

The Foundation is thus a laboratory for problem-setting and ideas, lending support to projects, and organizing meetings and exchanges between researchers across different disciplines who share a common interest in the questions generated by psychoanalysis.

Founding Members

François Ansermet is a psychoanalyst and Professor of Children’s Psychiatry at the University of Geneva, where he is the director of the University’s Department of Psychoanalysis, as well as the Chief of Services for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at Geneva University’s Hospital (HUG).

Pierre Magistretti is a neurobiologist and Professor at Brain-Mind Institute at the EPFL and at the Center of Psychiatric Neurosciences, CHUV-UNIL.

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Centre Dominique Mahieu Caputo
Psychoanalysis and research center dedicated to women and children

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NeuroAnalysis is a website dedicated to Clinical Brain Profiling (CBP).

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Prague Neuropsychoanalysis Group
The Prague Group is part of the International Neuropsychoanalysis Society and aims to be an active contributor to the Neuro-Psychoanalysis journal and to scientific congresses or workshops.

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Psynem, information website about child psychiatry
Psynem is intended as a reference tool to be used by students, researchers and health professionals in child psychiatry. You can find videos, library resources and useful links.

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School for Freudian Cause
The school aims to study psychoanalysis, in order to restore the truth, to share knowledge and to provide a scientific debate. The school offers an educational program and organizes seminars and conferences every year.

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ZfL Berlin
The ZfL pursues interdisciplinary research in the areas of European cultural history and the history of science and knowledge.


Fondation Agalma
Campus Biotech
Chemin des Mines 9
CH-1202 Genève


info [at]

Sign up for the Agalma Newsletter


Agalma is composed of an administrative core, a foundation board, a scientific board, and a group of associated researchers. Feel free to explore our dynamic, live organigram.

The Foundation is guided by a board of two members. This is the strategic centerpiece of the foundation and determines the research directions, activities in art/science, budget, administration and governance. The scientific board guides the scientific activities of the foundation in collaboration with the partners and associated researchers.

The foundation maintains a web of international researchers and correspondents. They work on diverse projects across neuroscience, philosophy, psychiatry, history, music, communication science, psychology, anthropology, sociology, psychoanalysis, and art.

Foundation Board

Associated Researchers

Paul Gilman


Studied under Dr. Abbott of the Boston Conservatory of Music. As an artist, signed by Russ Regan to 20th Century Records. Composed and performed the first solo Electronic Concert as a guest of the Boston Symphony on its 100th Anniversary at Boston Symphony Hall, under Principal Conductor Seiji Ozawa (in collaboration with Ray Kurzweil, Bob […]

Phillipe Spiesser


Born in Alsace into a family of musicians, Philippe Spiesser was immersed in the world of music from an early age. He then studied at the Conservatory of Music in Strasbourg, in the class of Jean Batigne, famous founder of the Percussions de Strasbourg. In 1997, he won the European Competition for Young Talents: more […]

Administration and Coordination

Dr. Nathaniel Evans

Researcher, Art/Science Project Manager

Jessica Tran The

Associated Researcher, Scientific Project Manager

Richard Rentsch

Musician, Music Project Manager

Scientific Board

Agalma is composed of an international network of collaborators called “correspondents”. Here is the full list of Agalma correspondents (as of Spring 2018):

Harold Mouras 
Claudia Mejia
Ariane Giacobino


The Agalma Foundation organizes conferences and workshops at the interdisciplinary intersection between neuroscience, psychoanalysis and art. International participants and experts from various domains are regularly invited to these conferences.

Agalma workshops provide researchers the opportunity to meet, exchange, and present their work in relation to the principle themes of research at Agalma.


A performance investigating invention vs imitation

Friday May 17, 2024 a musical performance with two pianos took place at the Rolex Learning Center at EPFL in...

Music sculpting art: A performance on the creative process

Saturday 10 December at 8pm - Forum of the Rolex Learning Center, EPFL Duration: 1h30 - Free admission. All public....


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Life drive, death drive

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Determine not to be it

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The Brain is Alive

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Discussion with Francesco Panese

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Discussion with Béatrice Helg

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Discussion with Eric Laurent

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Discussion with Jean-Stéphane Bron

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Discussion with Frédéric Worms

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Discussion with Marco Paolini

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Discussion with Pierre de Senarclens

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Discussion with Jean Claude Ameisen

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Discussion with Jean-Michel Besnier

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Discussion with Claude Calame

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Discussion with Catherine Malabou

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Discussion with Jean Starobinski

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Discussion with Guillemette Bolens

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Discussion with Pascal Dusapin

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Discussion with Jean Daviot

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Discussion with Carlo Ossola

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Discussion with René Frydman

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Discussion with Carmen Perrin

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Discussion with Alain Grosrichard

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Discussion with Vittorio Gallese

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Discussion with Bernard Moninot

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Discussion with Lucienne Peiry

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Discussion with Agnès Thurnauer

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Discussion with Jacques Vincey

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Discussion with Henri Atlan

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Discussion with Philippe Lacadée

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Discussion with Company Tf2

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Discussion with Howard Shevrin

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Discussion with Claudia Mejía Quijano

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Discussion with Alain Prochiantz

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Discussion with Eric Laurent

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Discussion with Jean-François Peyret

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Discussion with Raphaëlle Aellig Régnier

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The shared enigmas