Jean-Michel Besnier is professor of Philosophy at the University of Paris-Sorbonne and member of the Center for Research in Applied Epistemology (CREA, Ecole Polytechnique and CNRS). He is member of the CNRS Ethics Committee (until June 2011), of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Advanced Studies in Science and Technology, and member of the Managing Board of Universcience. He was scientific director of the Science and Society Sector of the Ministry of Research (until April 2011). His recent publications include: La Croisée des sciences (Le Seuil 2006), Demain les posthumains. Le futur a-t-il encore besoin de nous ? (Fayard 2010), La Science en jeu, with E. Klein, H. Wismann and H. Le Guyader (Actes Sud 2011), and L’Homme simplifié. Le syndrome de la touche étoile (Fayard 2012). He manages the collection Mélétè published by Le Pommier. His current research mainly concern the philosophical and ethical impact of science and technology on the representations and on individual and collective imaginary.