
Brain Mind Institute – LNCO (EPFL)


Start : 2012 | End : –


This conference-performance includes two movements:
A conference by Pierre Magistretti and François Ansermet around neuroscience and psychoanalysis about the enigma of creative process, especially about their unconscious side; a musical improvisation which brings into play two pianists (Orazio Sciortino and Richard Rentsch) with an EEG recording to access their brain activity in the creative process.
The signals are projected on large screens and spectators can follow, in real-time, images of the neuronal activity during this creative process.

More information about this conference-performance

Listen to the radio program “Discovery”, live at the Verbier Music Festival (Espace 2)

Nous naissons tous fous, certains le demeurent – teaser


Pourquoi va-t-on mal, comment cela s’exprime-t-il individuellement, peut-on en sortir ? Des jeunes en témoignent et des experts de la psychanalyse et des neurosciences apportent des compléments de réponse.
Un documentaire inspiré des livres “A chacun son cerveau” et “Les énigmes du plaisir” des professeurs François Ansermet, psychanalyste et Pierre Magistretti, neuroscientifique, parus aux Editions Odile Jacob.


Réalisation : Teenergy Productions
Année : 2010
Durée : 2:23 min