Life drive, death drive
Click here to watch Pulsion de vie, pulsion de mort – a film by François Ansermet
Click here to watch Pulsion de vie, pulsion de mort – a film by François Ansermet
The farewell lecture at UNIGE from Prof. François Ansermet (in French).
For more information please see
Frédéric Worms interviews François Ansermet – listen to the program here (in French): Écoutez l’emission ici
« The Challenge of the Living : psychoanalysis, philosophy and neuroscience today », co-organised with ENS and University of Paris 7, took place on September 29, 2017 at the Ecole normale supérieure in Paris.
This day-long seminar was recorded on video by the Agalma Foundation. The result can be found online on the Ecole Normale supérieure website here.
The full day’s program is available here (in French): Programme Le défi du vivant